Magdalena Wiśniewska is responsible for managing research projects at CASE.
She holds MA in International Relations from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and MA in Finance & Accounting from Warsaw School of Economics.
During her career she gathered an extensive experience both in the public and private sector. She worked among others for Office for Foreigners, where she was conducting administrative procedures for granting refugee status. She was also involved in managing major projects within her traineeship at the European Commission (DG REGIO). In addition to the skills gained in public administration, Magdalena has also experience in accounting and IT project implementations acquired during many years of work for financial and consulting departments of international corporations.
Her interests focus on Eastern European countries. She wrote two master theses on Russian Federation, worked as a volunteer in Nizhny Novgorod within European Voluntary Service and participated in OSCE/ODIHR observation mission of Russian parliamentary election.