Selected values
Addressing the challenges of the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in national Recovery and Resilience Plans: a preliminary assessment
Agnieszka Kulesa
Agnieszka Kulesa has been working at CASE since 2018. She specialises in the labour market, international labour migration, and migration policies within and outside the European Union.
Articles from this author:
- The Just Energy Transition from the Perspective of Cities and Regions – the experience of Poland and other European Union countries
A review of sustainable leadership practices
This Good Practice Review is a part of the “EmpowerHer: Female Leadership for Sustainable Development” project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The project aims to promote and introduce good Nordic practices related to sustainable development and education for sustainable development in the Baltic countries.
Rural areas and the geography of discontent
This study applies a rural-urban lens to the outcomes of recent national and subnational elections of European Union (EU) Member States, with the aim of analysing Eurosceptic (anti-EU values) voting patterns and identifying possible explanations for voter discontent in rural areas. Findings show high Eurosceptic voting in many rural areas across the EU. At … <a href="">Continued</a>
Delia Agostinelli
Delia Agostinelli is a Junior Economist at CASE. Graduated cum laude in Economics and Economic Policy at the University of Bologna with a thesis entitled “Impact of skilled migration on human capital formation and growth performance of source countries“. At CASE, Delia is involved in projects related to green economy, energy policies as well as … <a href="">Continued</a>
Articles from this author:
- How to eradicate skills poverty among the most vulnerable?
E-services for citizens at local and regional level in EaP countries
This study was prepared as part of a project on E-services for citizens at local and regional level in EaP countries commissioned by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) under the specific contract No CDR.17081 implementing multiple framework contract for studies in the field of external relations No CDR/2022/B3/1/1-CIVEX-RELEX. The aim of the study … <a href="">Continued</a>
Making the EESC the facilitator and guarantor of participatory democracy activities
This study looks at the Conference on the Future of Europe’s (CoFoE) proposals on European democracy and the role of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). It explores different options for institutional reform of the EESC to best serve its purpose and increase citizens’ participation. To do this, the study examines different forms of … <a href="">Continued</a>