The purpose of this Framework Contract is to enable CoR departments, bodies, rapporteurs and members to have at their disposal a scientific, legal, documentary and editorial assistance services. This FWC is one of the measures taken to provide COR’s members with better services in order to strengthen and enhance the CoR’s political and consultative work within and beyond the framework of the legislative process.Within the scope of this framework contract, the CoR would like to use external expertise in the fields relevant for the remits (external relations strand) of the Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs (hereinafter „CIVEX commission”). The contract supports the activities of the Joint Consultative Committees and the Working Groups, ARLEM1 and CORLEAP2. The areas of activity covered by this FWC reflect the CoR’s political priorities from the perspective of local and regional authorities and are indicated below and it is not strictly limited to fields of external relations (European Neighbourhood Policy, Eastern Partnership, Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, EU Decentralised cooperation for development and EU enlargement policy) and cover policy areas such as:
− Sustainable economic development and employment
− Energy and climate action
− Women’s empowerment
− Urban development
− Mobility and transport
− Water, environment and blue economy
− Social and civil affairs
− Crisis management
− Migration and integration
− Waste management
− Cultural heritage
− Sustainable tourism
− Education and vocational training
− Cohesion policy
− Cross-border cooperation
− Youth and anti-radicalisation
− Governance and transparency
− Agriculture and agri-food
− Digitalisation and innovation.